The HDR factory / 30 January, 2009 [click for previous image: time goes by]
The HDR factory / 30 January, 2009 [click for next image: BSC - WORKINGTON]
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Title • The HDR factory

When I posted my penultimate entry for 2008 I mentioned that my big project for the first few months of this year was going to be a book on HDR photography, which will be published by Focal Press at some point after the summer. At the time the amount of work I would need to do seemed like a challenge, but as I didn't plan on starting writing until the New Year I wasn't too worried ...

Anyway, after spending the last three weeks writing I'm pleased to be able to say that I've got the first section done, and uploaded to the publisher - 15.5K words and over 200 images and screen grabs. I've also published my Working with textures: part one tutorial during this time (another 8K words), and have written the first two lessons of another online course I'm developing for Gulf Photo Plus (another 6K words). All in all, a lot of words. Oh, and I've got to get another GPP lesson written this weekend (another 3K words).

After that though Libby and I are taking the kids to Centre Parcs for a well earned mid-week break where I'm hoping to find some time to take some photographs rather than just writing about them.

All of which brings me to this one ...

It's the last but one of the shots I took when Craig was up a few weeks ago, and fittingly enough it's another HDR. As usual it was constructed from a seven shot sequence, with a 1 EV spacing, using Photomatix Pro. Craig posted a similar view of this old power station here.

In this instance it's a fraction more typical-HDR-like than I wanted, but try as I might I couldn't produce a version that I preferred to this one. My next shot, which I'll post on Monday, is also an HDR, but it's one that I'm a lot more pleased with.

Incidentally, if you would like to learn more about HDR photography my next PPSOP class will be starting on February 6th, or you can take a look at either or both of my HDR tutorials (details about part one are here, while details about part two are here).

And I guess that's about it for today, other than to say do check back on Monday as the shot I'll be posting is definitely one of my recent favourites.

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