<<< o >>>a flop 36 comments + add yours

I don't know why, but I'm always drawn to lost and lonely objects.

Update #2: The subscription based tutorials are now live. Full details can be seen on this page :-)

Update: in case you've been wondering about why I haven't posted any new material over the last couple of days it's because I'm working flat-out to sort out the first subscription based tutorial. It will be available at some point early next week and I'll update the tutorials RSS feed as soon as it's released.

The feed, if you haven't already subscribed, is here:


shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
3.38pm on 30/7/07
Canon 1Ds Mark II
EF 35mm f/1.4L USM
aperture priority
RAW Developer
3x2 + beachcombing
comment by rhys at 08:48 PM (GMT) on 4 August, 2007

Wonderful! Is this the 'Flip' or the 'Flop'?
Some fantastic textures in there.

comment by m at 09:27 PM (GMT) on 4 August, 2007

The owner of the flip flop needs to visit a chiropodist
Pin sharp!

comment by ferreira at 11:01 PM (GMT) on 4 August, 2007

And I'm glad you are atracted by lost objects like this one. I love especially the colors and the textures of the flop.

comment by Abhijit at 12:31 AM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

Fine image! Lovely texture!! Very ordinary objects you shot and make them look extraordinary:-)

comment by thomas mueller at 09:04 AM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

nice one, but where is the flip? ;)

comment by milou at 11:20 AM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007


comment by riika at 11:48 AM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

This is nice. Makes me in a good mood.

comment by olivier [CoolPixels] at 02:04 PM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

Nice details and rendered for this shot !

comment by Keith De-Lin at 03:34 PM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

wonderful shot.

comment by crash at 04:36 PM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

there's a shoe that has seen better days

comment by PJ at 06:00 PM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

Hey, that's MY shoe! I lost it on the beach in North Carolina last year. It must have made its way across the big pond ;-)

comment by noakz at 06:22 PM (GMT) on 5 August, 2007

I like to know more about what you did in the editing. You are a wonderfully talented Photographer but I would like to know more about your technique in Photoshop... Cazn you elaborate.

You work inspires me.

comment by navin at 08:02 AM (GMT) on 6 August, 2007

Where is the flip?

comment by One Way at 04:14 PM (GMT) on 6 August, 2007

Really nice shot... so much detail.

Following on from Noakz's comment, I would like to know roughly how long you spend post-processing? Sorry if that sounds a bit nosey, but I'm just curious!

comment by Ariel at 04:21 PM (GMT) on 6 August, 2007

This is absolutely terrific!

comment by Fred at 06:38 PM (GMT) on 6 August, 2007

Wonderful shot, really nice textures. I've been looking for my flip flop for the longest time. Glad you found it.

comment by Ronald at 07:29 PM (GMT) on 6 August, 2007

Great framing! A piece of art at itself...
I know what you mean, being drawn to lost objects on the beach, street, or wherever.
I sometimes like to break in to uninhabited and abandonned places, old factories and shoot the debry, walls, staircases, etc and what was left behind (wich is mostly quite surprizing!)

Back to this shot...a shot of the slipper on a deserted beach....(from more distance) eh? eh? ;-)

comment by ROB at 12:31 AM (GMT) on 7 August, 2007

My eye is competely different to yours thats for sure. One the beach I do not even see these things, which makes it all the more interesting when I visit here and get such a different view of the world. Yet another interesting flotsam image.

comment by Alice at 01:57 AM (GMT) on 7 August, 2007

Wonder where the "flip" ended up? :-) Nice shot.

comment by braesikalla at 06:50 AM (GMT) on 7 August, 2007

Is the shoe just worn out or has athlete's foot spread over?

comment by riesenriel at 08:11 AM (GMT) on 7 August, 2007

You have perfect eye for detail and interesting compositions. Great shot.

comment by Joseph at 06:39 PM (GMT) on 7 August, 2007

where's the flip? oh wait, its been done.

great shot, I don't think I'll ever get bored of your beach combing shots david!

comment by Veerasundar at 08:07 AM (GMT) on 8 August, 2007

Diffrent shot. Good Idea to shoot in this angle.


comment by alex at 08:38 AM (GMT) on 10 August, 2007

In the top third of the photo there's a lot of distortion, it looks like over aggressive JPG compression, but it looks like an applied filter, which spoils it a bit for me

comment by Claude at 01:12 PM (GMT) on 10 August, 2007

Nice shot with beautiful details! Well done...

comment by Thomas Solberg / Project neXus at 02:04 PM (GMT) on 11 August, 2007

Yeah, well, try walking in my shoes! :-) Great shot by the way

comment by .:CushmoK:. at 09:57 PM (GMT) on 11 August, 2007

funny shot.. very well done. Evocative ;-)

comment by Kristyn Maslog-Levis at 10:11 AM (GMT) on 12 August, 2007

a very simple subject, but very dramatic with colours and mood

comment by Myrtle Beach at 10:11 PM (GMT) on 12 August, 2007

This shot has a lot to look at - but i can't help feel bad for the little girl walking around with one flipflop.

comment by Ash at 10:50 PM (GMT) on 12 August, 2007

Beautiful shot. Yes, you are always drawn to lost and lonely objects, but you always do great justice to them. it never gets boring!
Good luck with the tutorial!

comment by m at 10:34 PM (GMT) on 13 August, 2007

Now I see why there has been no pictures recently! I'm signed up for the first tutorial and it's wicked.

comment by Stella Del Curto at 08:06 PM (GMT) on 14 August, 2007

Nice picture! :)

comment by djn1 at 10:31 PM (GMT) on 15 August, 2007

Thanks everyone, and my apologies for not posting anything for a while.