fly by / 4 July, 2009 [click for previous image: it's all about appearance]
fly by / 4 July, 2009 [click for next image: our youngest]
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Title • fly by

Having written two tutorials on the topic of working with textures (details about part one are here, part two here) I thought it was about time that I posted something that used the techniques. And while I'm reasonably pleased with how this one turned out it would definitely be fair to say that this is a technique that I understand more from a technical point of view than I do from an artistic one; i.e. I can do it, but am still struggling a bit with working out the aesthetics for this type of image. What I can say though is that they're a lot of fun to produce.

If you're interested, the base image is here:


On a related matter: we're currently running a 4th of July special offer on our tutorials and are offering a 25% discount on the first year's payment of an annual subscription or our lifetime membership package. If you're interested there are some further details here:

Update: if you missed our 4th of July promotion, don't worry, we're still offering a 15% discount until the end of July :-)

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