fragments of you / 23 October, 2008 [click for previous image: the beacon #2]
fragments of you / 23 October, 2008 [click for next image: untitled #75]
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Title • fragments of you

While a lot of my images are quite heavily processed it's rare that I combine images, not because I think there's anything wrong with doing so, but because I find it difficult to achieve an end result that I like. For example, I would love to be able to produce the sort of images that Mike Regnier creates, and while I do understand the process, I find that my attempts often fall short of what I would like to achieve.

In this case though I'm relatively pleased with the end result which was constructed from two originals – a shot of a mannequin, and another of a wall – both of which can be seen here:


I'll probably produce a tutorial on this topic at some point, but think I need some more practice first :-)

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