international fireworks #2 / 22 September, 2006 [click for previous image: cobbled together]
international fireworks #2 / 22 September, 2006 [click for next image: international fireworks #3]
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Title • international fireworks #2

Three weeks ago today I mentioned that it was the start of the International Fireworks competition is Blackpool. Every Friday since then there has been a display: from Croatia, Italy, France and China. I also mentioned that a) I'd put up a shot from each display, and b) it would be a creative interpretation of a fireworks shot. Well, as the eagle-eyed among you may have noticed, I only posted the first rather odd one, and there haven't been any since up until this one, from China's display earlier this evening.

I have been photographing them, but I was commissioned by Blackpool Tourism – which has been great – but I haven't had too much leeway to experiment (the displays only last for about 25 minutes) so have taken quite a number of standard fireworks shots, which were fun to take, do a good job of showing the fireworks in relation to Blackpool Tower and the pier (from which they were launched), but I haven't felt like posting them here.

I think that the main problem is that I don't much like images of fireworks. They're great fun to shoot, but not overly riveting to look at, so up until this evening I haven't produced anything I felt like sharing. This one though, I like a lot more.

In previous weeks I've shot from the beach, but tonight I was on the pier alongside the crew who were launching the display and this is one from about 140 shots, taken at f/16 with an exposure of two seconds.

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