unseated / 16 March, 2008 [click for previous image: the sentinels]
unseated / 16 March, 2008 [click for next image: riding the wind #2]
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Title • unseated

As I mentioned yesterday, in preparation for our forthcoming HDR tutorial I'll probably be posting a lot of HDR shots over the next couple of weeks.

Previously, when I've posted an HDR, I haven't posted the original, not least because i) there's normally more than one original, and ii) the final result also depends on the tone mapped image as much as it does the original shots. In this instance though, I thought I'd post all of them, so if you take a look at the linked page below you will see:


As you will see, in addition to a big increase in contrast, there were two major changes made to this one: it was flipped horizontally (simply because I thought it looked better that way round); and the colour of the seat was changed (to better match the palette of the rest of the image).

I probably won't be posting the originals and tone mapped images for all the HDRs I'll be putting up, but I thought it might be useful to include them this time, especially if you're not all that familiar with HDRs.

On a totally unrelated matter: chromasia was featured on Click, the BBCs "flagship technology progamme", on Saturday morning. I didn't see the TV programme, but I did watch the online version, available via this link:


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