riverdance #8 / 13 March, 2008 [click for previous image: catching the light #2]
riverdance #8 / 13 March, 2008 [click for next image: rain dance]
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Title • riverdance #8

When I posted Riverdance #7 I said that I wouldn't post any more shots unless something eventful happened ;– as you can see, it has – in fact two things have changed. First, it's now laying almost entirely on its side, and second, if you compare this shot to one of the first I put up, you will see that it's acquired a couple of large tanks on its hull. Apparently these will be filled with water – to act as ballast – when they try to re-float the ferry at some point over the next few days. In fact, since this was taken a few days ago, two more tanks have been added just to the left of these. If and when they do attempt to re-float it I'll try and be there to photograph it.

Oh, and I haven't posted the EXIF data as this is an HDR, constructed from three bracketed exposures.

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