I know you / 15 January, 2008 [click for previous image: Time will tell]
I know you / 15 January, 2008 [click for next image: creating an impression]
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Title • I know you

As you all know, I'll often revisit my archives to find something to post, but this is often a rather haphazard procedure. Today though, I decided to be a bit more systematic about it and went through all my RAW files from 2005 to April of last year. In the process I discovered that most of them were as bad as I remembered, but I also found around a dozen that I thought were worth working on. Of those, I'll be posting seven over the next seven days, starting with this one – a shot of Rhowan (on the left) and Harmony taken in September 2005. Of the rest, I'm really pleased with two of them, another two I'm happy with, and the remaining two are more experimental. I'll post one of my favourites tomorrow.

On an unrelated matter: I've started to receive quite a lot of emails asking about shots that I've posted, and how they relate to the material I've included in the tutorials. So, whenever I do post something using one of the techniques I've covered, I'll include a brief mention here.

In this instance, I used the Channel Mixer to convert the image to black and white then a Curve to create the high-key effect. This was covered in my Black and white: part one tutorial when I discussed this image.

shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
2.17pm on 7/9/2005
Canon 20D
EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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