retrospective #2 / 2 November, 2007 [click for previous image: retrospective #1]
retrospective #2 / 2 November, 2007 [click for next image: sneaker weekend]
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Title • retrospective #2

This is the second and last of my 'found' photographs and I'm afraid that I can't really tell you much about this one other than that it was taken at some point during the early 80's. I can remember where it was taken, and think it was taken during a friend's 18th birthday party (which would mean it was taken in 1981), but I really have no idea who she is other than that she was a guest at the party.

As for why I've posted it now: I'm not sure, other than that there's something about this photograph that I really like ... but I can't say what.

Anyway, although I have loads more old photographs that I could scan and post, I won't, as I don't imagine they're of all that much interest to you. This one though has caught my attention on numerous occasions during the last few decades, so I thought it might be worth putting up.

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