retrospective #1 / 1 November, 2007 [click for previous image: happy halloween]
retrospective #1 / 1 November, 2007 [click for next image: retrospective #2]
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Title • retrospective #1

Nearly every image on chromasia was taken with a digital camera, and most were taken within the last few years, but chromasia is the product of my second time of being interested in photography – which started when Libby bought me a FujiFilm FinexPix 40i, not long before Rhowan was born in 2001.

Prior to that I hadn't taken any photographs for around 15 years. Well, I had, but only snapshots on a point and shoot film camera, none of which were especially memorable. When I was younger though – in my twenties – I printed my own black and white photographs and got through hundreds of colour films – mostly slides, but also some print films. I don't think that I ever really got to grips with photography at that time, but it was a passion.

Anyway, my reason for mentioning all this is that the image I've posted tonight was taken some time in the early 80's, with my Canon A-1 and a 50mm standard lens. I don't think I've looked at this one for at least five years, but we've been decorating in recent months, and changing various rooms around, and one of the boxes I keep dragging around is a large cardboard box stuffed full of old photographs. I haven't looked through it for years, but went through some of them earlier today and came across two that brought back a lot of memories.

This one was taken during a camping trip, and though I can't remember this guy's name, seeing the photograph brought back a flood of memories, both about the trip itself and other events that were happening in my life at the time.

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