a new life / 5 December, 2006 [click for previous image: boy racer]
a new life / 5 December, 2006 [click for next image: and I think to myself ...]
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Title • a new life

Two bits of news ...

It doesn't seem all that long since I told you that we were expecting Finley, but now I have the pleasure of telling you that we're expecting another one (which we're reliably informed is a girl) on April 16th of next year. Our house will probably be extremely hectic for many years to come :-)

Oh, and if you come across any good deals on second-hand 8-seater MPV's or small minibuses, please let me know, as our 7-seater car is about to be made redundant. I did offer to stay at home and let Libby take the kids everywhere, but it wasn't a popular suggestion ;-)

And that's the first bit of news.

The second bit – and this is the work issue I mentioned recently – is that I'll be leaving my current job (as a lecturer in Higher Education) in the New Year to run chromasia on a more full-time basis. As many of you know we set up chromasia as a company around 18 months ago, but it's something we've done in conjunction with my other job.

Recently, the University I work for has been going through a restructuring process which has involved a voluntary severance offer. I applied, and was accepted; and in many ways I'll be sad to go, not least because I've worked with much the same group of people for the last 11 years, and I'll miss them. But it's also a really exciting opportunity. I'll finally have the time to write the online tutorials we've been promising for what seems like forever, we can now schedule some more face-to-face ones to run next year, I'll be able to do more commissions, and I'll have much more time to take photographs to post here. Lately, the blog side of things has been suffering a bit, so it will be really good to get back up to speed on posting stuff that I'm proud of rather than archive raiding for stuff that will suffice.

Anyway, I think that's about it for today ... new lives all round :-)

Oh, and no, this isn't a photograph, but given the circumstances I hope you'll let me off ;-)

Update: as I write this there are 81 comments on this entry – thank you – and I will reply to the various points you've raised; but not tonight. Yesterday was a very long day, and I now feel as though we've been clawing our way along an extremely dark and tortuous tunnel for far too long. Now, having emerged into the sunlight, I'm going to rest awhile. So tonight it's Chinese food, a good bottle of wine, a film, and a deep sigh of relief. Back soon.

And thanks again.

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