white rabbit / 30 August, 2005 [click for previous image: difficult to read]
white rabbit / 30 August, 2005 [click for next image: on top of the world]
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Title • white rabbit

Agologies for the title – even by my standards this one is a bit tenuous ;-)

On another matter: my days with blogomania.com are coming to an end. As I'm sure you're all aware, chromasia hasn't been functioning all that well over the last couple of weeks – intermittent 500 Internal Server errors, ridiculously slow access times, prolonged downtime, template problems, and so on – so I've decided to change hosting companies. As an example of the severity of these problems I've been trying to post this entry for the last four hours – and so far have only managed to save it as an unpublished entry :-(

Miklos suggested I take a look at the Silver Web Plan from canaca.com as it offers 20GB of storage and 400GB of bandwidth, all for the measly sum of 7.95 Canadian dollars per month – which is less than I'm paying now. I don't need quite that much storage space, not by a long way, but I do need around 200GB of bandwidth a month (preferably a bit more to allow for further expansion), reasonably fast access, and a reliable server. So, if anyone has any suggestions for hosting companies I could look at other that canaca.com I'd be grateful.

3.41pm on 30/8/05

Canon 20D

EF 17-40 f/4L USM

40mm (64mm equiv.)



aperture priority






C1 Pro


focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter

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