the forked mouse / 10 December, 2003 [click for previous image: chiaroscuro (almost)]
the forked mouse / 10 December, 2003 [click for next image: remotely interesting]
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Title • the forked mouse

This is another picture I took while in Nottingham recently, though the original is rather dissimilar to the version presented here. It's an image of a small sculpture that’s affixed to a wall (this version has been rotated 90° counter-clockwise) of, well, a fork, a mouse (of sorts, I think), and another bit (which I should have investigated more thoroughly as I now have absolutely no idea what it is).

When I took the photograph I did intend to take a straight shot, on the grounds that it would have been an interesting image. But I didn't do a very good job of it and all my attempts to make it look as it should fell short of anything I’d be happy presenting here. So, this is the result.

Basically it’s a combination of Posterizing the image then applying Photoshop’s Plastic Wrap filter. I know that I've used both these effects before (here and here) but this is the first time I've combined the two.

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