lily (3) / 17 November, 2003 [click for previous image: lily (2)]
lily (3) / 17 November, 2003 [click for next image: lily (4)]
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Title • lily (3)

This is the penultimate lily picture (even I’m getting a bit bored with them now) and I wanted to produce a high-key image rather than take another standard shot. For the most part I think it worked out reasonably well (at least at this resolution) but there are two problems that I noticed:

First: the plane of focus is about two centimetres further back than it should have been. Second: while this was spot metered I should have also over-exposed the image (probably by about one and a half to two stops). In other words, the original wasn’t as high key as it could have been which necessitated somewhat more post-processing than I would have liked.

All that said though I do think this image works, though I think it’s more to do with the inherent beauty of this flower than it is anything to do with me. Taking pictures of beautiful objects in reasonable lighting, unless you’re completely hopeless, should result in a pleasing photograph.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
11.17am on 16/11/03
aperture priority / macro
B+W circular polariser
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