patterned and patterning / 14 August, 2003 [click for previous image: connect_apart]
patterned and patterning / 14 August, 2003 [click for next image: easy_street]
© 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • patterned and patterning

Strictly speaking I don’t suppose that these images should be included here as my intention for this blog was to just include images based on photographs that I’ve taken. These images, on the other hand, were created from various bits and pieces that I’ve come across over the years (but have since deleted). As much as anything else these are really an excercise in playing around with Photoshop, particulary the various texture filters.

The versions of the images included here are based on two sections of what was a rather flat and uninspiring montage. As art, I don’t think that they’re all that impressive but I did enjoy putting them together.

Actually, it wasn’t so much the mechanics of constructing these images that I enjoyed, rather it was being able to reinvent them in a way that gives me some contemporary pleasure – if that makes any sense. Anyway, the end result is something that I’m reasonably pleased with.

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