Hilmi's observatory / 7 December, 2013 [click for previous image: desert tracks #6]
Hilmi's observatory / 7 December, 2013 [click for next image: on the road in Oman (Mountain Dew)]
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Title • Hilmi's observatory

On our way back to Dubai Issa and I stopped off in Muscat to visit his family. While we were there Hilmi, Issa's brother, asked us to photograph his rooftop observatory. It was a difficult shot - the light was low, the camera ended up jammed into the corner of the room with barely enough room to shoot, and we needed to add some light to the right side of the image - but I think we nailed in the end.

The real star of the shot though was Hilmi, rather than his observatory or telescope, as he managed to sit absolutely still through some implausibly long exposures :)

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