GPP2013 #7 / 19 March, 2013 [click for previous image: Untitled #151]
GPP2013 #7 / 19 March, 2013 [click for next image: GPP2013 #8]
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Title • GPP2013 #7

This is one of my students, shot during my Art of Black and White Photography workshop at this year's Gulf Photo Plus training event. My reason for shooting it was twofold.

First, he was a great looking guy. Second, I wanted to shoot an image to illustrate a point I make about converting portraits to black and white, i.e. that you can vary the black and white conversion process to either minimise or maximise facial detail. For example, if you use the Channel Mixer or Black and White tool and apply the Red Filter preset you can minimise facial detail (great for women and kids). At the other extreme, if you use the Blue Filter preset (as I did in this case) you can emphasise facial detail.

There's a counter-intuitive element here – using the Red Filter can make a portrait overly bright (there's lots of red tones in a person's face), while using the Blue Filter can make them too dark – but if you compensate for this using a curve you can create some very striking portraits.

On which note, if you're interested in learning more about black and white photography/post-production, take a look at my latest course on Udemy, The Art of Black and White Photography. It covers pretty much the entire black and white workflow, including portraiture, and usually costs $79.00. For the rest of this week though (up until midnight on the 24th), you can use the following link to sign up for just $39.00 and join 13K+ people who have already enrolled.

This offer is open to anyone, so please feel free to share the link.

shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
image editor
plugins (etc)
3.00pm on 4/3/13
Sony SLT-A99
Sony 85mm f/1.4 Carl Zeiss Planar T*
aperture priority
Camera Raw
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