Bye Bye Bulgaria / 15 October, 2012 [click for previous image: skin deep]
Bye Bye Bulgaria / 15 October, 2012 [click for next image: Tabby's shells]
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Title • Bye Bye Bulgaria

As many of you know, I'm heading back to the UK today for the winter, and will probably stay there until Spring. Libby and I and the kids have spent most of our time in Bulgaria over the last three years, but this year we decided to head back to Blackpool. I love the Bulgarian winters, but they're just too much hard work. Well, if you have other work to do at least. So it's back to Blackpool, and central heating, and our office, and the convenience of living in a town. It won't be the same, but it will make life a lot easier.

Libby and the kids flew back a fortnight ago tomorrow, but I'm driving back, along with a huge pile of suitcases, two small dogs, several camera bags and flight cases, and a whole pile of other stuff.

By the time your read this (it's set to auto-post) I should be somewhere near the Romanian border with Hungary. After that it's two more days back to the UK. I can't say I'm looking forward to the drive, but it will be good to get home: it's being very strange packing up the house on my own.

I'll be posting updates on Facebook as we travel along (sim card permitting), but if that doesn't work I'll post something when I get back.

In the meanwhile here's my last shot from Bulgaria: taken this summer during our week on the Black Sea Coast with Libby's parents.

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