GPP 2012 #2 / 8 March, 2012 [click for previous image: GPP 2012 #1]
GPP 2012 #2 / 8 March, 2012 [click for next image: GPP 2012 #3]
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Title • GPP 2012 #2

We're now half way through Gulf Photo Plus 2012 – I've done my Shoot the City workshops and a Creating Dramatic Images postproduction workshop – and, as always, it's turned out to be a fantastic event. The students are great, I've met up with a lot of old friends, and have had the opportunity to hang out with some great photographers.

This afternoon I'm heading out to the desert for the first day of my Landscape workshop, but thought I'd post this one today. It was taken at the third and final location for my Shoot the City workshop, the Four Points Sheraton hotel roof bar on Sheik Zayed Road. Unfortunately, or, more accurately, unexpectedly, it was freezing cold and windy when we got there. As we were all just wearing t-shirts this made it quite uncomfortable, so we didn't stay long, but the upside was that the bar was closed to the public. Normally there are quite a lot of people milling about so this shot wouldn't have been possible. Well, it would, but there would have been lots of blurry people and tables in the shot. As it was it was just us and the howling Siberian wind ;)

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
image editor
plugins (etc)
8.18pm on 5/3/12
Canon 5D Mark II
EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
aperture priority
Camera Raw
Photoshop CS5
Topaz Detail
minor transformation
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