untitled #127 / 8 January, 2012 [click for previous image: Oi!]
untitled #127 / 8 January, 2012 [click for next image: Burj Khalifa 2011 #2]
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Title • untitled #127

While yesterday's image was a straight shot (well, straight out of Hipstamatic at least), today's was edited to add a mild increase to the saturation and contrast.

What is also worth mentioning, and this goes back to what I was saying yesterday about the way in which the lens and film combo you choose in Hipstamatic affects the appearance of the final image, is that the original scene was pretty much black and white. In other words, the colours (red, green and yellow) and the apparent lens flare around the top left corner of the gibbet, are artefacts added by Hipstamatic.

On a related note: it's a while since I attempted to post an image a day (2006 or thereabouts), but I thought I'd give it another go this year. I'll be mostly posting stuff from 2011 for the rest of this month and new material thereafter. I also thought I'd reserve the weekend for iPhone images.

Anyway, all that aside, let me know what you think of this image and/or Hipstamatic. I'm a big fan of the app (and other lo-fi camera apps on the iPhone), but you may well have a different view.

Oh, and this one was shot using the Chunky lens and Ina's 1935 film.

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