multiplicity / 11 August, 2011 [click for previous image: the doll]
multiplicity / 11 August, 2011 [click for next image: thoughtless]
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Title • multiplicity

My apologies for the absence of recent updates, but it's been a really hectic few weeks.

Most recently I spent three days working on something that I thought would take a lot less time, a promo video for my forthcoming Creative Live workshop in October, which will be free to watch live online.

It's only a four minute video - a summary of my workshop and an invitation to take part, live in Seattle - and I thought we'd be able to produce it quite quickly. Anyway, to cut a long story short, it took ages to put together but I'm pleased with how it turned out. Take a look, especially if you can make it to Seattle on the 7th-9th October. If you can't, just enrol for the workshop and watch it live :-)

It also forced me to finally learn how to use video on my 5D Mark II. I don't know why, but it's just something I never seemed to find time to do, but it's actually easier than I expected (at least at a basic level), and a whole lot of fun. If you're interested, here's one of the unedited clips that I used in the video:

Creative Live promo video: clip #3 from David Nightingale on Vimeo.

I've also been doing some additional work on our new member's gallery. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look at some of the great entries.

Libby and I have also been working on some new workshops and one-to-one training dates for 2012, including a Faces and Places workshop in Venice that I'll be running with Bobbi Lane. The final details haven't been finalised yet, but we'll be heading over there in February to photograph the carnival. If you'd be interested in finding out a bit more about it, email Libby and we'll keep you informed: libby AT chromasia DOT com

As for this shot, it's another iPhone shot, of Tabby and Harmony (in the background) playing around in our minibus. If I'd shot this using my 5D Mark II I probably wouldn't have bothered to edit it, mostly because there's a lot of missing details in the highlights. I did like the shot though, and after playing around with it in Photoshop for a while I'm happy with the end result.

As always, let me know what you think.

Camera Software
shutter speed
mage editor
plugins (etc)
2.59pm on 30/7/11
iPhone 4
Photoshop CS5
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