Yates's / 15 February, 2009 [click for previous image: fading light]
Yates's / 15 February, 2009 [click for next image: baby and me]
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Title • Yates's

We were woken up this morning by a phone call from relatives in Essex asking if we knew about the fire in the town centre - we didn't. The BBC have reported that fire crews were alerted at 3.16am and that a 21 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of arson, but by the time I managed to get down there everything was under control, and many of the pumps in attendance were starting to pack away their kit.

Anyway, as it's been quite some time since I posted anything even vaguely photojournalistic I thought I'd put these four up, all of which were shot using my Canon G9 and processed in Lightroom. Ideally, I should have gone round to our office and picked up a DSLR and my 70-200, but I'm glad I didn't as I suspect I would have missed everything if I'd made the detour.

On a totally different matter: a few weeks ago I mentioned that I'd be instructing at the Gulf Photo Plus 2009 training event in Dubai (March 30th to April 4th). If you're interested in attending they've just published the schedule as a downloadable PDF. It looks like it's going to be a great event, and while it's not the cheapest place in the world to visit, it's definitely worth a visit.

And finally, thanks for all the great comments on my previous entry. I'm going to be shooting a lot more material with my new Lensbaby so it was good to see that my first attempt was well received :)

Update: if you find that the first image in the sequence of four is centred, and the other three are butted against the leftmost edge of the page, this is because I added some new code to my stylesheet to display the extra images. All you need to do is force the page to reload (hold the shift key while clicking the reload button) and all should be good :)

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