it never rains / 24 September, 2008 [click for previous image: a rhowan moment]
it never rains / 24 September, 2008 [click for next image: untitled #72]
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Title • it never rains

Well, I don't know what sort of week you've all been having, but it's been a bit of a downhill journey at chez chromasia. Tabby and Finley have both got stinking colds and have both been waking up several times a night, so Libby and I are now half-dead, and my laptop decided to die on me a few hours before I was supposed to be giving a presentation on Monday evening. All in all, it's been a bit of a trial. Fortunately Tabby has been a bit better today, but Finley has been feeling decidedly sorry for himself.

All that said, we did manage to take the kids to the park for a while this afternoon and I managed to find a bit of time to try out my new lens, a Lensbaby 3G. If you've been visiting chromasia for a while you may remember that I posted some shots in 2005 taken with a Lensbaby 2.0, some of which I was quite pleased with (e.g. this one and this one). What I never really got the hang of though was the lack of control; i.e. the focus with the Lensbaby 2.0 can be continuously varied, but not locked. The Lensbaby 3G, on the other hand, allows you to lock the focus and, as a result, is considerably easier to use.

Anyway, this is a shot of Rhowan, taken at f/2.8, and the blur is a consequence of the lens; i.e. it wasn't added during post-production. And I know I've posted several portraits of Rhowan that aren't entirely dissimilar to this one, but it's a style that seems to suit her.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
3.23pm on 17/9/08
Canon 1Ds Mark II
Lensbaby 3G
approx. 50mm
aperture priority
Capture One Pro
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