under construction / 14 May, 2008 [click for previous image: souk portrait #3]
under construction / 14 May, 2008 [click for next image: water baby]
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Title • under construction

This is my final shot from my recent trip to Dubai and was taken facing away from the DIFC towards one of the countless new buildings that are springing up all over Dubai. As with a lot of the architectural shots I've posted recently, this one is also an HDR. In this case it's a seven shot sequence, with a one and a third EV interval between each exposure; i.e. the original scene had a dynamic range of around 15 stops. The sequence was shot at f/16 and theshortest exposure was 1/4000 while the longest was 1/15.

What I especially like about this one is that it would be totally impossible by any other means other than HDR, i.e. there would be no way to capture detail in the face of the building without blowing out the sky. That said, it would probably have been better if I had used a larger interval between the exposures, as I only just managed to capture the detail is the shadows at the bottom of the building, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.

As always, let me know what you think.

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