postcard from Dubai / 10 May, 2008 [click for previous image: the gate #7]
postcard from Dubai / 10 May, 2008 [click for next image: the evening closes]
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Title • postcard from Dubai

This one was taken from Madinat Jumeirah, with the Burj Al-Arab in the background - supposedly the most luxurious hotel in the world. You get your own butler, chauffeur driven roller, and so on.

Having visited the Sky Bar on my recent trip though (the Sky Bar is the cigar-shaped bit jutting out near the top of the hotel) I have to say that there's a definite difference between opulence and wealth on the one hand, and taste and class on the other. The place screamed money, but it screamed it so loud that I failed to come away with much of an impression of anything else.

That said, if you fancy spending an evening in a room that looks like a cross between a Blackpool nightclub, albeit one with a slightly better view, and an LED science project gone wrong, then you'd probably have a good time :-)

To get back to this image though: this is an HDR, constructed from a seven shot sequence using FDRTools. Once I've had a chance to use the programme a bit more I'll let you know a bit more about it.

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