the gate #3 / 3 May, 2008 [click for previous image: on balance]
the gate #3 / 3 May, 2008 [click for next image: souk portrait #1]
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Title • the gate #3

This is the third in this small series, and like the previous two it's an HDR constructed from seven RAW files, merged using Photomatix Pro.

Unlike the previous two though, this one's a bit more abstract, not least because it's mostly a reflection in an opposite building. I nearly posted this in black and white, to match the other two in the series, but decided I preferred the colour version of this one, not least because the detail in the building stands out a bit more.

Tomorrow's image, by way of contrast, is a portrait, after which I'll post two more HDR shots of the gate, both of which also include the Emirates Towers hotel in the background.

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