the snow queen #2 / 21 April, 2008 [click for previous image: the evening gathers]
the snow queen #2 / 21 April, 2008 [click for next image: The Empty Quarter]
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Title • the snow queen #2

Like yesterday's shot this is an HDR image constructed from a bracketed sequence of seven shots, spaced 1 EV apart. And also like yesterday's it was constructed with Photomatix Pro. Unlike yesterday's though, it wasn't taken in Blackpool, nor anywhere near. I'll probably tell you where I am tomorrow, but in the meanwhile I'd be interested to hear your guesses. What I can tell you is that regular visitors – i.e. those of you who have been visiting for over a year – may well have an advantage :-)

Also, one of the original sequence (the +1 EV original) is here:


And for those of you who haven't been visiting long, the poster in this image is based on this one, a shot of my daughter Rhowan. In this instance it's being used to publicise an event I'm taking part in next week.

Oh, and this one looks much better with the black theme.

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