not exactly on the ball / 28 February, 2008 [click for previous image: Harmony and Finley #2]
not exactly on the ball / 28 February, 2008 [click for next image: funland]
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Title • not exactly on the ball

A couple of days ago I mentioned that Libby and Tabby were unwell and thought, at the time, that I'd managed to avoid catching it ... I was wrong. I woke up yesterday morning shivering, coughing and feeling as though I'd been run over by a large truck, ... and don't feel any better today.

Anyway, my reason for mentioning this is that I doubt I'll be posting much of anything over the next day or so, and just wanted to let you know. I do have a few shots in the archive, that if I was a bit more on the ball I might be able to turn into something worth looking at ... but I seriously doubt it.

Anyway, this shot was taken ages ago, but I didn't post it at the time as her horribly vacant stare annoyed me. Having looked in the mirror this morning though – just imagine her face with the addition of puffy, blood-shot eyes, a red nose and stubble – it seemed quite fitting.

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