Ryan and Fiona #2 / 2 September, 2007 [click for previous image: Ryan and Fiona #1]
Ryan and Fiona #2 / 2 September, 2007 [click for next image: the world over]
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Title • Ryan and Fiona #2

I suspect, but wouldn't want to bet, that this one will get a less polarized response than yesterday's shot of Ryan and Fiona, which some of you liked, and some of you seemed less keen on.

I'd also like to pick up on a point that was made in the comments yesterday by Richard; i.e. that I didn't put my mark on the shot and that it "seem[ed] to have come straight out of a glossy film brochure". And my response to both points is "good". For the majority of this sequence (which I'll intersperse amongst some other shots that I'll put up from my trip) the overall feel of the shots was determined by Ryan and Fiona: and some were intended to be serious, some less so. What I've tried to do is process them in a way that I think is congruent with what they were trying to get across. So yesterday's was very much the glossy 'my name is Bond' type image and today's focusses on their expressions and actions. That said, I'm quite prepared for you not to like them, for all the reasons you mentioned yesterday, but I did want to say that my approach was deliberately different with some of them. I do have a few that are more distinctively "my style" of image though, and I'll put them up at some point.

Anyway, all that aside, let me know what you think.

focal length
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RAW converter
7.06pm on 26/8/07
Canon 5D
EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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