Henrietta's elephants / 29 September, 2006 [click for previous image: the perfect light]
Henrietta's elephants / 29 September, 2006 [click for next image: heaven can wait]
© 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • Henrietta's elephants

These two small elephants have travelled around with me for the past six months or so. They belong to Henrietta, who commissioned me to produce a shot of them – on location – as a gift for her friend's first wedding anniversary. They were used originally as the table decorations for the wedding, so a photograph of them one year on seemed quite fitting.

It's also a good shot to put up today as this is the 1000th image that I've posted, and while it might not be the most striking I've ever put up, it does reflect the fact that the photography I'm producing has changed, not least because a proportion of it is now commercial.

As many of you know, Libby and I set up chromasia as a company a little over a year ago, and since then we've made good progress. Arguably, this hasn't always been a good thing for this side of chromasia; i.e. the blog, but it's something we decided I/we had to do if we were going to keep posting on a regular basis.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you, as without your continued support chromasia wouldn't be anywhere near as enjoyable for me, nor do I think that I would have managed to continue to post an image a day. So, thanks again for being a wonderful audience.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
11.20pm on 28/9/06
Canon 20D
EF 17-40 f/4L USM
17mm (27mm equiv.)
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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