mid journey / 22 June, 2006 [click for previous image: in descent]
mid journey / 22 June, 2006 [click for next image: the wave breaks]
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Title • mid journey

I had hoped to get out and about today, but I've had loads of work to do (which, currently, has taken about three times longer than I expected – I'm now about half way through), I've got a stinking cold, and the weather here has been awful. We had a couple of great weeks – sun, gentle breezes, and so on – but the last couple of days have been wet and windy. Given the usual state of play with UK weather, I expect that it's probably autumn already ;-)

So, in the absence of anything else, here's another one from the Sony Cyber-shot project I mentioned yesterday. This was shot through the sun strip on our car windscreen – hence the overall blue cast – and other than stretching it to a 3x2 aspect ratio, that's pretty much all that was done with this one.

And thanks for all the computer/server advice yesterday: it's much appreciated.

On an unrelated matter: for those of you interested in weekly challenge sites (Photo Friday, for example) you might want to check out a new one: Tuesday Challenge. It works in much the same way as other challenge sites; i.e. there's a weekly theme, and the first theme, fittingly enough, is Start.

shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
1.23pm on 28/3/06
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T9
normal program
stretched to 3x2
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