viva Blackpool #3 / 15 June, 2006 [click for previous image: viva Blackpool #2]
viva Blackpool #3 / 15 June, 2006 [click for next image: viva Blackpool #4]
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Title • viva Blackpool #3

Well, the majority of you can breathe a sigh of relief as this is the last in this series ;-)

If you'd like to see them all on one page you can view them here:


And there's another set of them here (this time, side by side):


If you only follow one of those links, take a look at the second as it displays these as I'd like them to be viewed; i.e. as a sequence of related images. And in retrospect, that's probably the only shot I should have posted here, with links to the larger versions. You live and learn ;-)

There are probably a few more things I could say about this mini-project but I think I'll conclude by saying that I might develop another area of chromasia for posting this sort of material; i.e. more experimental or project based stuff. One of the main reasons for this, other than the fact that most of you weren't exactly knocked out by these ones, is that I'm moving towards shooting more material that would benefit from a backstory: maybe not as detailed as these needed, but definitely some sort of context/background info, and so on. For those of you who read these descriptions, that's not a problem, but the majority of chromasia's visitors don't. All of which raises a lot of other questions about the nature of our audiences (both in terms of their expectations and ours), but those are questions that I'll leave for another time.

Anyway, I normally ask you to let me know what you think, but I suspect I already know ;-) That said, if there is anything we haven't covered, please let me know.

Update: On a totally unrelated matter: does anyone know of any good German photoblogs? I have a colleague who's working on a news piece, for which he needs some links to good German photoblogs. I would search this out myself, but really don't have much time over the few days so would be grateful of any information.

focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter
12.24pm on 11/6/06
Canon 20D
EF 17-40 f/4L USM
32mm (51mm equiv.)
aperture priority
C1 Pro
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