plant in operation / 27 February, 2006 [click for previous image: awaiting repair]
plant in operation / 27 February, 2006 [click for next image: sorry we are closed]
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Title • plant in operation

You'll be pleased to hear that I have a straight shot to put up tomorrow, but in the meanwhile here's one more HDR image. This one is a bit more typical of the genre and demonstrates quite clearly how these images have a much more evenly distributed tonal range than normal photographs yet the local contrast (the red sign for example) is still quite pronounced. Take a look at the histogram for this image and you'll see what I mean.

Also, a few of you have asked me about the workflow for these shots: basically, I convert the RAW files in ACR, import them into Photomatix, generate the HDR file, play around with the tone mapping setting until the image looks reasonably close to what I'm after, save the tone mapped file, and finally, open this image in Photoshop for final editing (Curves, colour adjustment, noise reduction, and so on).

On another matter: John is having big problems with the domain registration for at the moment but you can still access his site at the following address:

Hopefully he'll be up and running at his usual address shortly.

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