old post (diptych) / 19 February, 2006 [click for previous image: tourist typography]
old post (diptych) / 19 February, 2006 [click for next image: end of the road #2]
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Title • old post (diptych)

First of all, thanks for the thoughtful comments on yesterday's entry (for those of you who didn't check out my description or the comments it's well worth a read) – what to post on a blog is a bit of a conundrum, so it's good to hear that other people are wrestling with exactly the same question.

Anyway, on to today's ...

Both these shots were taken up at Fleetwood this afternoon as John and I took one of our regular, albeit slightly haphazard, trips to find some decent shots to put up. As in recent weeks though the light proved to be a bit of a challenge: overcast one minute, glaringly bright the next, and so on. Anyway, I like both these shots. Neither are stunning, but I thought they went well together so decided to put up a diptych. On the whole, I think it works tolerably well, but this is a (presentation) technique that I need to spend a bit more time exploring. Not least, because it partially answers the problem we discussed yesterday; i.e. how to put images up in some sort of context other than a single shot on a single day.

I haven't put up the EXIF data, but suffice to say that the one on the right was shot with a much smaller aperture, around f/16 from what I can remember.

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