on a wing / 8 November, 2005 [click for previous image: dalian street scene #3]
on a wing / 8 November, 2005 [click for next image: just wait ...]
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Title • on a wing

On the way back from China I took at least 100 shots of the clouds as we flew over the vast expanse of the Western Syberian Lowland, the Ural mountains, and on through Russia and northern Europe; but much to my dissapointment none of them captured anything remotely like the near sublime magic of flying many miles above the earth in a crystal clear sky. So here's an admittedly photoshopped compilation (/double exposure) of two shots, that, for me at least, goes some way towards capturing something of that experience. Let me know what you think. Oh, and both shots were taken at f8.0, at roughly 1/200s, ISO 100, with my 17-40mm lens.
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