middle earth / 3 November, 2005 [click for previous image: dalian street scene #2]
middle earth / 3 November, 2005 [click for next image: scene of the crime]
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Title • middle earth

About six weeks ago the server on which chromasia resides started playing up. After a few weeks of failing to get things sorted out I decided to change hosts. That was all going fine (i.e. I was getting things installed and making preparations for the move) until we lost our ADSL at home about two weeks ago (which probably won't be fixed for another couple of weeks). Yesterday I couldn't get online at all, modem or otherwise and my computer was crashing every ten minutes or so. After going through all the diagnostic routines I could think of I reinstalled the operating system only to discover that all I needed to do was unplug my ethernet cable - for some reason the absence of ADSL was causing my machine to crash. Today the windscreen wipers on our car failed just as I was about to drive onto the motorway in a torrential downpour, our bay window is leaking and we only have one bottle of wine in the fridge. Looking on the bright side: my camera still works, I don't have a pacemaker, the kids only have mild colds, and there are no volcanoes near Blackpool that are likely to erupt. But other than that it's not been a great couple of months, especially where technology is concerned. Anyway, whining aside, here's a shot taken somewhere north west of Dalian and, all being well, is definitely the last of the China shots I'll be putting up. I'm hoping to go out for a while tomorrow and shoot some new material but wouldn't be at all surprised if I (delete as appropriate) broke my leg going out of the house, got swept away by a freak wave on the beach, was eaten by stray wolves, or got electrocuted by my mobile phone. Wish me luck tomorrow ;-) Oh, and I can't be bothered with the full exif data (23rd October at 8pm, f5.6, 1/320, 40mm).
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