in the scale of things / 4 June, 2005 [click for previous image: outside wall]
in the scale of things / 4 June, 2005 [click for next image: between leaps]
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Title • in the scale of things

I spent a good proportion of today feeling sorry for myself: for having stopped smoking (and feeling miserable about it), for still having a stinking cold and a cough, for having loads to do at work, for (still) having a kitchen to fit at home, and so on, and so on – so in an attempt to clear my head I went for a walk on Fleetwood beach with one of our daughters to take some shots.

As we walked back towards the car we noticed these police officers walking up the beach, carrying what we can only assume was a body. And I may be wrong, but I suspect they'd found the teenage boy who was swept out to sea last Sunday. According to the BBC he and his 16 year old friend jumped into the water near the pier where we live to rescue a dog. The body of the 16 year old was recovered the same day, but the the other boy hasn't been found ... at least not yet.

So, in the scale of things, whining about stopping smoking, having too much work to do, and so on, seems pretty trivial in comparison.

5.32pm on 4/6/05

Canon 20D

EF 70-200 f/4L USM

200mm (320mm equiv.)



aperture priority






C1 Pro


focal length
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
image quality
RAW converter

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