Photo Friday: Signs / 20 January, 2005 [click for previous image: no turning back]
Photo Friday: Signs / 20 January, 2005 [click for next image: behind the eyes]
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Title • Photo Friday: Signs

Update: I'm really pleased to be able to say that this shot was awarded a noteworthy in the recent Photo Friday challenge, Signs. Thanks to everyone who voted :-) Arguably, with four children, sometimes five, you could say that we probably already have more than our fair share, but it seems that fate has deemed that we'll have another one. Well, more likely the logic of biology has deemed we'll have another, but you know what I mean ;-) Anyway, when I saw that this week's Photo Friday theme was Signs I knew roughly what shot I wanted to get. Earlier this evening I took about 50 shots and have spent the last couple of hours trying to decide which one to use; and I drew a blank, mostly because I didn't have a single shot that told the story I wanted to convey. So, in a bit of a departure from usual, I've gone for these two. Had I not being trying to get something together for Photo Friday, I think I would have gone for a variant of the first shot, but I didn't think that it did too great a job of conveying the notion of a 'sign', whereas the second one seemed a bit bland on its own. On which note, look out for baby pictures some time around the middle of August :-)
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