oh to be a laptop ;-) / 7 March, 2004 [click for previous image: Photo Friday: Perspective]
oh to be a laptop ;-) / 7 March, 2004 [click for next image: coke anyone?]
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Title • oh to be a laptop ;-)

This image is the consequence of an ‘arty’ shot gone wrong. What I set out to take was a fairly low-key, possibly diffuse shot of my wife using her laptop (a not uncommon occurrence ;-) but none of those shots really worked out – they were either too dark, or lacked detail, or just weren’t worth putting up. I also took this one, and several similar ones, and, other than the image being a bit ‘cold’, I really like it – more for the clarity and detail than any artistic merit, but I do like the way it turned out.

It was taken by bouncing the flash directly off our lounge ceiling and there hasn’t been too much done by way of post-processing. The sofa was lightened and desaturated (more because it needs a wash than anything else), and I spent quite some time getting the sharpening right, but other than that it’s a relatively straight shot.

Incidentally, if, like me, you have a digital compact with a hotshoe for a flash, I heartily recommend getting hold of a separate flash-gun. The built in flash on most cameras is rather poor and you don’t have much control over how it behaves. I recently got hold of a 420EX and have found it excellent, particularly the ability to bounce the light around an otherwise poorly lit room; which is really useful at this rather dull and dark time of year.

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
9.23pm on 4/3/04
aperture priority
B+W UV 010
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