can we go home now? / 4 March, 2004 [click for previous image: caged camera]
can we go home now? / 4 March, 2004 [click for next image: arm in arm]
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Title • can we go home now?

A month ago I made the decision to try and post and image a day, and this is the 31st since then, so I don’t suppose I’m doing all that badly. When I made the decision I expected that the difficult part would be finding the time to i) take the shots, ii) process them, and iii) write the accompanying blurb. But that hasn’t been too hard. What has been difficult is maintaining some sort of integrity in terms of the quality of the images I post.

And I don’t mean that I think that some of the stuff I’ve put up is rubbish, rather that some of them lack something … and it’s taken me a while to work out what. Some of the shots I’ve put up – yesterday’s for example – lack what I can only think of as engagement; i.e. I don’t feel much of a sense of being instrumentally involved in creating something that says something about either me, or the world as I see it … if that makes sense.

Today’s effort, on the other hand, I really like. I took it earlier today as we were waiting at the checkout of one of our local supermarkets – and our daughter had had enough. She’d drifted off into a world of her own and was just waiting until it was all over. And when I look at this image it seems meaningful in a way that yesterday’s shot doesn’t; that is, it says something about how I see things, and what they mean to me. Anyway, it’s late … so I’ll stop rambling ;-)

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
12.54pm on 3/3/04
aperture priority
B+W UV 010
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