Photo Friday: Glamour / 9 February, 2004 [click for previous image: glass shadow]
Photo Friday: Glamour / 9 February, 2004 [click for next image: polygraph (3)]
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Title • Photo Friday: Glamour

I did have great plans for this week’s Photo Friday challenge – Glamour – involving my wife, a pair of high-heeled boots, some lacy underwear, stunning makeup, and some contrasty lighting. And if this was Photo Some-Time-This-Year rather than Photo Friday, we might have managed to get it together in time to take the shots. But, what with one thing and another this week, it just isn’t going to happen.

So, on the basis that various other people have taken a rather light-hearted approach to this week’s theme (e.g. Gregz), I decided to use this one. It was taken about a year ago and is a shot of our daughter (who was eight at the time) looking ... well, not exactly glamourous, but she was definitely posing. And in case you’re interested, she’s ‘modelling’ one of the hats she had when she was a baby – though I can’t quite remember why.

I should add that I did ask her if she was ok about me using this (as it certainly doesn’t show her at her best), and she seemed to think that the idea was reasonably humourous – so here it is. Thanks Mim ;-)

Incidentally, my two favourites this week (of the ones I’ve managed to look at so far) are the entries from Il Polemico (which is refreshingly different) and Judith Polakoff (which is a beautifully crafted ‘classic’ interpretation of this theme).

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