Photo Friday: Woman / 10 January, 2004 [click for previous image: Photo Friday: Best of 2003]
Photo Friday: Woman / 10 January, 2004 [click for next image: Photo Friday: Woman (II)]
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Title • Photo Friday: Woman

This week’s Photo Friday challenge – Woman – left me in something of a quandry, mostly because I really wanted to reuse the various images I’ve posted recently of my wife when she was pregnant in 2001. The images I’ve already used were taken six days before our daughter was born, and would have been excellent for this week’s challenge, not least because they capture so many aspects of womanhood – sensuality, motherhood, pregnancy, power … and so on. But I promised myself that I wouldn’t reuse any images for these challenges so, for a while, I wasn’t too sure what to use.

I did think about trying to take some pictures this week, but my wife and our two youngest have been ill over the last few days so nobody was really in the mood for taking any new pictures – so it was back to the archives. And then I found this one, taken six days after the previous images, and just over one hour after our daughter was born.

I decided it would be suitable for this week’s challenge for many of the reasons mentioned above, but there’s also a slight tongue-in-cheek element with the phone. My wife would probably argue that this is just another example of multi-tasking – giving birth, breastfeeding, talking on the phone – but it struck me that the image does portray something (stereo)typical of womanhood. But, more importantly, it captures some of the happiness of those first few hours, something that’s always worth recording :-)

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