Photo Friday: Treasured / 29 December, 2003 [click for previous image: red winter sky]
Photo Friday: Treasured / 29 December, 2003 [click for next image: helping hands]
© 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • Photo Friday: Treasured

Despite spending quite some time trying to come up with something quirky for this week’s Photo Friday challenge – Treasured – I kept coming back to pictures of our children, not least because the remainder of the treasured things in my life are rather unimportant in comparison (other than my wife, but she’s had her fair share of pictures over the last couple of days ;-).

The photograph from which these three images were produced was taken one month before our daughter’s second birthday and shows her in an unusually calm mood. While she’s an undeniably cute child, she’s also something of a handful and rarely sits still long enough for me to take her picture – so I suppose I treasure this image because I don’t imagine there’ll be many more opportunities to take similar ones, at least not until she’s a bit older.

Like a number of the images I’ve used recently this was taken with my old camera, a Fujifilm FinePix 40i. As a consequence I needed to spend a bit of time removing some unwanted jpeg artefacts, but other than that I didn’t need to do too much else with it.

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