(un)occupied / 12 December, 2003 [click for previous image: remotely interesting]
(un)occupied / 12 December, 2003 [click for next image: Photo Friday: Childhood]
© 2003–18 • all rights reserved
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Title • (un)occupied

Yesterday I stated that I’d run out of images (suitable for presentation here) from my recent trip to Nottingham – but I found one more when I went through them again (I’ve now binned the rest of them, so there definitely wont be any more). I’ve included this one a) because the scene amused me (i.e. the claim that the shop is occupied when clearly there’s very little there), and b) because (at the moment) I think there’s something inherently interesting about reflections in glass.

Part of this interest is to do with actually ending up with an image that looks roughly how I envisioned it, and this seems quite difficult with images of this type. I’ve found that it’s something of a trial and error excercise to balance the three components of the image (the reflection, the scene behind the glass, and the glass itself) without ending up with something that either looks badly exposed or obviously post-processed. The only thing I’m not happy with is the writing on the message in the window. In this version it seems both too dark and a fraction too sharp but, at this image size, I couldn’t get it to look any more natural.

So, maybe I’ve included this image more on the grounds that it seems technically successful rather than aesthetically interesting, but I didn’t have anything else to use. No matter, it’s Photo Friday today so I need to go out and take some new pictures anyway :-)

capture date
shutter speed
shooting mode
exposure bias
metering mode
focal length
image quality
white balance
optical filter
Canon G5
2.53pm on 5/12/03
program AE
B+W UV 010
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