on the road / 27 November, 2003 [click for previous image: repose]
on the road / 27 November, 2003 [click for next image: emley moor]
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Title • on the road

Either way you look at it, technically or artistically, I don’t think that this image is anything all that special, but I quite like it. I took it on the way home yesterday afternoon at around 4pm. The M62 isn’t exactly the prettiest motorway in Britain (I think that accolade would go to the Northern end of the M6), certainly not the section captured in this image, but this picture looks ok, and does capture some of the movement and vibrant colour of the evening. It was hand-held (obviously) which resulted in a shutter speed of a fifth of a second. I haven’t done much to this image other than increase the saturation and add slightly to the overall bluriness.

Given that I drive over the Pennines several times a week I have speculated (not all that seriously) about installing a tripod on the dashboard of my car, but I suspect that would probably be rather ridiculous ;-)

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